Facial Imaging: PEAR 3D | Blog | Dermaquip

As an aesthetic professional, any technology that may improve your practice is probably one you’d take a second look at. Such a technology may not only make your job easier: it may provide improved results for your clients, which shouldn’t hurt with retaining their business.

One such technology you may have heard about is facial imaging. This technology uses computer software as well as optical projections and a camera to measure and produce images of the topography of one’s skin.

DermaQuip offers such a tool. Its PEAR 3D skin analysis takes numerous images of your client’s face and shows damage she or he might not have otherwise seen such as:

  • Clogged pores
  • Wrinkles
  • UV radiation damage

It may also make your job easier. The PEAR 3D permits you to evaluate your client’s skin. It analyzes oil, pigment, pores and more.

How does it work?

The process may seem rather simple for your clients. Clients who use the PEAR 3D will put their heads in the capture station. A camera will then capture and process their images into DermaQuip’s system.

For you, the aesthetic professional, there are several potential benefits you may notice as a result of using this product. Perhaps most importantly, it will allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the treatments you provide. By knowing what works and what doesn’t, you might be able to improve the overall quality of your service, which should help you retain customers. And when their families and friends ask for recommendations, a reputation for effective results should be beneficial.

It may also help you identify problem areas that may surface in the future. If appropriate, you may be able to use this to suggest preventative procedures, which could be beneficial for you and the client. Even if they don’t act on this information immediately, some clients may appreciate knowing about such issues as early as possible.

And the PEAR 3D helps recommend products and services, which could be beneficial for all involved. Customers may learn of products and services that they were previously unaware of that could help them reach their goals. And if more clients are interested in those products and services than before, your revenue will improve.

In addition, if using the PEAR 3D results in an increase in demand for procedures, you will notice busier treatment rooms. This might provide benefits for all involved. Helping additional clients may allow more people to achieve their aesthetic goals and provide you with an improved level of professional satisfaction and a thriving business, a win-win situation.

If you want to learn more about the PEAR 3D, there are several ways to reach DermaQuip. For more information on the PEAR 3D, contact DermaQuip at 1-844-244-2544. We’re open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can also reach us through email at [email protected] or on our contact page.

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How DermaQuip’s Products Can Help Aesthetic Professionals