Blooming Skin Know-Hows: Preparing for a Youthful Glow in 30s | Dermaquip

Your skin will never be the same as you grow old. As you tread the golden age, there will be tons of challenges and skin issues along the way. Preparing as early as in your teens or 20s is a good idea. However, if you have only thought about it now, it is not too late to start a healthy skincare habit that will help you at any age.

Moreover, with lots of innovations regarding skincare at this time, you will indeed have the resources to keep your skin healthy and youthful.

The Revolutionary Facial Skin Analysis

One of the top contenders for advanced skincare technology is the PEAR Skin Analysis, an AI-powered skin analysis examining a client’s skin through face-mapping technology. 

This multi-faceted machine will look for signs of skin issues by taking images of the face and skin layers. With this, it analyzes the pores, wrinkles, texture, skin elasticity, sun damage, etc., all in 3D to help know your skin’s overall health and be recommended treatments accordingly to ensure your personal goals and concerns are addressed.

Problems You Might Be Facing

Below are the following skin issues that you might be facing in the near future, or at the moment. Read and know how it formed in your skin.

Fine Lines Turned Wrinkles

What used to be fine lines might have turned into deep creases by now.  This is due to the decrease in collagen and elastin production in your body.  Frown lines in between the brows, crow’s feet side of the eyes, and creases around the upper lip may have become more pronounced especially when you smoke or vape.

Blotchiness and Melasma

Due to the sun’s UV ray exposure or acne scarring, your skin may have become blotchy or hyperpigmented.  In your 30s, skin blotches and dark spots around your facial skin will no longer fade easily if it will ever fade away.   Hyperpigmentation or the uneven deposits of melanin in your skin is caused by fluctuating hormones.  Thus, if this is coupled with UV ray damage, hyperpigmentation becomes more pronounced.

Skin Dryness

Ceramides are naturally occurring lipids that help the skin retain its moisture.  Aging results in a decrease of ceramides and this results in dryness and flaking of the skin.   By the time you hit your 30s, aging is accelerated due to many factors.  It is no wonder how your skin is not as supple as it used to be as it has dried up.  Dryness makes skin more vulnerable to creasing and wrinkling.

Adult Acne

Fluctuating hormones and increased stress levels trigger adult acne.  Cystic acne is a type of acne that potentially worsen when you are in your 30s.  Cystic acne is painful and causes deep scarring on the skin.  It is best to have a skincare routine that prevents this from occurring because preventing it is always better than treating it.

General Dullness

Younger skin regenerates faster than aged skin.  As you reach your 30s, cell regeneration slows down by a margin.  Slow cell regeneration means that dead skin cells will start to accumulate on the surface of the skin which will make it appear dull and lifeless.  This can be prevented if you anticipate how aging works and avail of modern procedures that can help you slow it down whilst it happens underneath the surface of your skin.

Holy Grail Products For You

After learning what causes the skin conditions that you have, here are the following holy grail products that you might want to consider when building your skincare routine:

Anti-Aging Serums

Anti-aging serums prevent if not diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  The key ingredient in these serums is vitamin A or retinol.  Scientific studies show that retinol effectively smoothens the skin’s surface as it stimulates cell regeneration.  Since retinol is considered a low-dose form of retinoid, it may take some time to notice any visible results.


The decline in skin regeneration in your 30s will require you to take exfoliation to a whole new level.  From exfoliating once a week in your 20s, you will have to do it more regularly at twice or thrice per week. While this may be the case, you still need to closely observe how your skin reacts to a more frequent exfoliation.  Overdoing exfoliation tends to make your skin prone to inflammation and flaking.  

Chemical exfoliants formulated with AHAs/BHAs are generally suitable for all skin types. Some of the most known chemical exfoliants include glycolic acid (AHA), lactic acid (AHA), and salicylic acid (BHA).  On the other hand, physical exfoliants are grainy scrubs used to manually scrub off dead skin cells. Take heed, however, if you have acne-prone or sensitive skin as scrubs could potentially cause more damage than good.

Eye Cream

While some women started early with eye cream, most are still about to include it in their skincare routine.  A good eye cream can effectively address crow’s feet, puffiness, or dark under-eye circles.  These issues are commonly at the onset among women in their 30s thus, eye cream is another essential product for you.


Listed above is the knowledge you need to know to have that blooming and youthful skin in your 30s. Make sure you have the correct understanding of your skin and products to have glowing skin for your age in your later years.

About the author - dermaquip

Healthy Skin: Effortless Skincare in Your 30's Skin Analysis: What to Know About Your Skin Type